Everyone is in sales. Yes, you heard me right. I’ll say it again. Everyone is in sales.
Think about it. We are all selling ourselves on a daily basis with whom we interact. Regardless of the fancy corporate title or non-descript one tied to describing just a small part of who we really are, we are all selling something to someone else.
The first time I thought about this was when I was 12 years old and wanted a job.
Legally I couldn’t work, so I tried my hand at babysitting for local families for some cold hard cash.What was I selling? A fun time for their kids.
In college I gave tours to prospective students and their parents. We’d walk around campus for an hour, I’d tell a few funny stories, and answer questions on the fly. What was I selling? A $40k/year tuition at a 4 year institution. A $160k sale was entrusted to a 20 year old. Wow.
After spending 25 years in various roles across Sales Operations, owning a DirectBuy franchise, being an accomplished Account Executive, and most recently a Regional Vice President of Sales, here are some best practices you can use in sales and in life.
Here’s Some Best Practices You Can Use in Sales and Life
- Believe in your Untapped Potential.
- Attitude, effort, and skill is the Sales Trifecta that will determine your success.
- Take a TEAMS based approach to leadership and life.
Laura’s Ripples
1978 Nature or Nurture?
Grateful for the decades of memories shared at 15 Celano Lane; my childhood room will always be the front middle one on the second floor of the balcony. I may or may not have ever snuck out!
1996 Brothers or Sisters?
The last of five kids to Tony (Superintendent of Schools) and Maria (Boutique Gift Shop Owner), I’d like to think I’m a good mix of each of my siblings: Anthony never takes himself too seriously; Erica is a loyal and compassionate friend; Ralph is observant and competitive; and Paul is the funny jokester. Family game nights playing 15 rounds of dominoes still brings us together after all these years.
1999 Goals or Assists?
My love of motivating and inspiring others was born on the soccer field at age 4. Here I am on the Roanoke College Media Guide before my senior year. Most players enjoy the glory of scoring the goal, but I found my sweet spot was assisting others to get theirs.
2001 Climbing the Corporate Ladder or
Trying Not To Fall Off?
First introduction to Corporate America was at Marriott and MedImmune. Sales Operations was the name of the game where I learned the value of building strong teams.
2005 For Better or Worse?
Married my better half, Erik. He knows me better than I know myself which makes our conversations very interesting. We’ve been a couple for 25 years. Doesn’t feel like a day over 24.
2006 Boy or Girl?
How about one of each? Ben started our family tree in 2006 and Kelsie completed it in 2012. My greatest legacy on this planet is wrapped up in these two awesome humans. They keep me humble and will call me Mom no matter where I work. I am blessed.
2008 Franchisee? Not for Me.
Convinced my husband to go all in on a DirectBuy franchise. Millions of dollars later we almost lost everything when we realized filing bankruptcy was the only way out. I know what it’s like to start all over. I tell people it was the best and worst experience of my life. It almost killed me, but guess what? Almost doesn’t count. I’m still here.
2016 SaaS Sales 101
After a few years back in Sales Ops post franchise ownership, I finally got my chance in SaaS sales. I tried to quit three times that first year as the lowest ranking rep selling only $82k of software. The next year I sold $1.2M. Everything really is attitude, skill, and effort (EASE).
2022 Leader of Humans,
Not Quotas
Slinging software as a Sr Account Exec was fun, especially hitting annual quotas in less than nine months time at three different SaaS companies. Being asked to lead a team was my chance to give back and take my mentoring and coaching to a new level. Dream job. Still miss it.
2024 Success or Failure?
Founding Ripple Effect Sales Advisory after an unexpected November 2023 layoff was a decision made in love, not regret. I love sales. I love people. I love sales people. Will Ripple Effect Sales be a success or a failure? A little bit of both on a good day if I’m lucky.